Spirulina is a superfood, algae with health benefits known to humanity for hundreds of years. It grows, however, in different ways from other foods we are familiar with today. Producing Spirulina is not difficult to learn, and once you do, it is easy. The experience of growing your own health food is satisfying, and you know what enters your body as it grew in your house and with your help. The Spirulina algae live in both salt and fresh water. In natural environments, the algae get the full conditions to prosper. In this guidebook, we will learn step-by-step how to create the right environment so Spirulina can grow in our home.
Spirulina growing kit with everything you need to get started, whether you're growing it for yourself or for school assignments.
What is Spirulina?
Spirulina is one of the oldest plants on earth. Under a microscope, the blue-green algae shape is like a spiral, and thus its name. Spirulina grows in many parts of the world. It has been found on the surface of Mexico's Lake Texaco and Lake Chad in Africa. Until the sixteenth century, the Aztecs continued to eat Spirulina; whereas Chad's natives have cultivated the algae to this day. Once Spirulina was discovered in the West, people slowly commercialized its production.
In 1974, the United Nations world food conference announced that Spirulina was the ideal food for humanity and the most efficient way to help those who are starving in Africa. Probably the most nutritious food available, it contains excellent amounts of protein, vitamins, and macro and microelements. As Spirulina is extremely rich in nutritional value, the recommended daily amount is a teaspoon of fresh Spirulina.
Growing Spirulina yourself is not hard and can be quite satisfying.
A teaspoon of Spirulina contains:
● Full protein with all the amino acids needed for humans. Three times more protein than beef
● Vitamins: A, C, E, B1, B2, B3, B5, B6, B8, B9
● The following minerals: iron, calcium, manganese, selenium, zinc, potassium, magnesium, and other easily absorbed minerals.
● Iron: 50 times more than spinach (easily absorbed in the body)
● Calcium: 10 times more than whole milk
● Beta Carotene: 25 times more than raw carrots