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4 Easy steps to grow Spirulina indoors

Spirulina is one of the healthiest superfoods that are available to humans today. It has been used for thousands of years and has one of the highest protein levels per gram (40-60% of Spirulina is protein). Spirulina also contains high amounts of important nutrients, antioxidants, anti-inflammatories, promotes heart health by lowering LDL and triglyceride levels, is effective against anemia, and boosts the immune system. Unlike many other superfoods today, Spirulina can be grown at home. It is simple, affordable and you get all of the health benefits that may be missed when you purchase dried or powdered Spirulina. Here are the most important things you need to consider when growing Spirulina at home.

Drinking fresh Spirulina smoothie
growing spirulina at home is easy and fun

  1. Water: Water is the medium in which Spirulina best grows. It’s important to create an ecosystem where Spirulina can grow naturally. The water needs to be clean and have all of the necessary nutrients that can be found in our Spirulina starter kit. These nutrients ensure that the Spirulina grows thick and healthy. Water and the ecosystem that Spirulina is growing in should be maintained throughout the cultivation of the Spirulina, this maintenance can be done by adding a controlled salt solution. Along with this, it is important to keep the pH level balanced. The ideal pH level for the Spirulina is between 8-11. Finally, the water level mustn’t be too deep, Spirulina needs sunlight to grow so the Spirulina needs to be as close to the surface as possible.

  2. Temperature: To ensure that your homegrown Spirulina grows the fastest and has the highest protein level, the temperature of the ecosystem ideally needs to be between 30C-35C however, Spirulina can thrive in temperatures between 22C-38C. It is very important to maintain the temperature of the Spirulina ecosystem (inside and outside the water) as any temperature higher than 38C can cause bleaching and below 20C can kill the Spirulina.

  3. Light: Light has a crucial role in the growth, growth rate, protein content, and photosynthesis of the Spirulina. Sunlight is the best light to ensure you grow the healthiest Spirulina, when your Spirulina is just a live culture it requires less direct sunlight than what Spirulina algae do. Once your Spirulina has bloomed a general rule of thumb is that the more direct sunlight your Spirulina can get, the better.

  4. Stirring: Spirulina requires a lot of exposure to sunlight so that it can grow and thrive. Light is maximum on the surface of the tank that you are growing your Spirulina in. We recommend using a clear tank so that Spirulina lower down in the tank can be exposed to more sunlight. To ensure that your Spirulina gets the highest amount of sunlight and can grow the best, the Spirulina needs to be stirred constantly. Stirring helps all of the Spirulina get to the top of the tank to be exposed to the most sunlight possible. When stirring your Spirulina you must do it in one direction gently, slowing and in slow circular motions. For ideal growth, it is best to stir your Spirulina in the daytime, once every two-three hours. To avoid contamination, be sure to sanitize your stirring instruments before and after each stir.

How how to grow Spirulina at home? Growing Spirulina at home is a journey, in the end when you get to enjoy what you have worked hard to grow with friends and family there is no greater reward. You can start growing Spirulina today with a Spirulina Algae growing kit that comes with detailed instructions which will ensure you successfully grow healthy delicious Spirulina.



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