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Live Spirulina Culture - Growing Spirulina Superfood

Live Spirulina Culture, also considered the mother culture, is the living microscopic cyanobacterium that will kick off your Spirulina production. Even though cyanobacterium is microscopic, it is the most essential thing when cultivating Spirulina, without it, Spirulina cannot grow. We are going to take a deep dive into how Spirulina starts off as a microscopic bacteria and ends up being one of the most nutritious superfoods we can have in our diets.

Spirulina culture starts off as a blue-green colored microscopic phylum of Gram-negative bacteria that obtains its energy and begins to grow through photosynthesis. Once the Live Spirulina Culture recognizes that it is in an optimal environment, with the right pH, temperature, and amount of sunlight then it begins growing. The Live Spirulina Culture converts light energy into chemical energy and begins a process called cellular respiration. Cellular respiration also synthesizes CO2 and water which enables the Live Spirulina culture to capture energy, stored in the form of carbohydrates like sugars and starches, ultimately giving it the energy to grow into the superfood Spirulina. As the Live Spirulina grows it releases fresh and breathable oxygen, this makes growing Spirulina very environmentally friendly and great to combat global warming.

Live Spirulina Culture can store energy for a long period of time, this is excellent for cultivation as the Live Spirulina can store energy in the form of sugars and only begin to use that energy and grow when it has been exposed to enough light. Once the Live Spirulina Culture has enough energy stored and is in its optimal environment, then it begins using its stored energy and growing into edible Spirulina. As the Spirulina is growing, it continues to retrieve energy from the sun, but as it gets bigger it also requires more energy. Spirulina is a “photoautotroph” which means that it synthesizes its own food directly from water and CO2 in the atmosphere itself just by using the light energy that it absorbs.

As these light and energy reactions continue to happen inside the Spirulina and each cell that once was a Live Spirulina Culture, quickly fills up the cell membrane with proteins and amino fatty acids allowing it to capture more light and CO2 and in turn grow faster and thicker. Spirulina is now primarily absorbing light using the chlorophyll that is present in the cell. Chlorophyll gives Spirulina its deep green color and is optimal for light absorption as green absorbs almost all the light that it is exposed to.

As the Spirulina continues to grow from a culture to a superfood, it becomes increasingly more important that its environment is maintained so that optimal growth can occur. This is important because the environment must have adequate minerals, temperature, and pH to ensure that Spirulina grows rapidly, with high nutrient content, low nucleic acid, and a high amount of vitamins and minerals. You can buy on our website Live Spirulina Culture for $69, and you can also buy all the materials that you need so that you can turn Live Spirulina Culture into a superfood at home. Spirulina growing beginner kits start from $179 or if you are more experienced you can also buy individual materials.




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